Friday, March 1, 2013

Time Travel

Samsung Galaxy S3
So, my Sammy aka Samsung Galaxy S3, has been critically ill since just before Christmas.  He's been in and out of the hospital (read: repair shop), and in the interim, I have been using a variety of basic and feature phones.

I can attest, I don't need a smartphone.  I don't need internal plumbing either, but it certainly makes life much easier.

I feel like I have stepped back in time.  Without Sammy, I have to go to my desk to check my email, Twitter and Facebook because I don't have mobile access.  I am unable to take interesting pictures, because I gave up my camera.  I can't edit pictures I capture as I capture them and share them everywhere, or even anywhere. I am unable to record FM radio, edit and share clips with friends on the fly.  I don't have my entire music library with me, nor all my Kindle books, so waiting in line is no longer entertaining, its torturous.

I can't sit on the bus and browser the internet, post items to Pinterest.  I can't write meeting notes on the screen and email them to my team. I can't turn my phone into a WiFi hotspot and give internet to my iPad or laptop.  I can't. I can't.  I can't!  Argh!

My smartphone was certainly not for profiling.  I really used it and all its features for my productivity and entertainment.  Everything I did on my phone, I can do elsewhere.  It is just not as efficient and requires many more devices.

I am giving myself one more week.  One last week.  If Samsung is not able to fix Sammy by next Friday, it will be time to toss in the towel and make the financial sacrifice to replace Sammy.

Take this journey with me and tell me how does your smartphone impact your life.

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