Online shopping is easy, convenient, dangerous and complicated all at once. But with a few tips, you can have safe, secure fun with shopping on the Internet.
Difference between ‘window’ shopping and online shopping
• Using the internet for research, compare different products, check out prices and availability before going into a store to purchase vs clicking the ‘buy now’ button
Types of shopping experiences
• Lots of different online stores and sellers. Some big online stores exist only online (like Amazon), some big retail stores (like Barns & Nobel) also have an online store. There are smaller online stores equivalent to a ‘Mom and Pop’, and auction sites as well.
Knowing its safe
• Before offering up your credit card or payment details, ensure the site can be trusted and that they have taken the necessary steps to protect you and your information from predators. First things first, must use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) denoted by https appearing in the url (uniform resource locator) and most browsers will display a little lock in the status panel.
• What about the retailers, once they have your information, will they resell it, or use it for other purposes? Read their privacy policy. Or, use a reputable site.
Delivery methods
• Software, books, music, movies and some other online purchases can be downloaded directly to your PC. Other products can be shipped using various methods from snail mail to express courier. In some cases, you can order online and pick it up in the store. For a spin on this service, you can order and event ticket online, get an admission code and by pass the ticket booth at the entrance
Payment options
• Credit cards are the universally acceptable and easiest way to pay online, but if not done properly, can leave you open for fraud. Double-check the site before giving up your credit card info. Is it reputable? Have other persons you know and trust recommended the site? If not, look elsewhere.
• Make sure the site is secure will SSL encryption as we mentioned earlier.
• Use a single, specific credit card for shopping online and monitor it closely. If it is compromised, it is easier to trace where the breech occurred.
• Consider alternatives like PayPal and Google Wallet for payment options to put an extra layer of protection between you and the site.
• Cheques, money orders and COD are not realistic payment options. Wires with limited, not retail sites.
• Another great option, gift cards.
Safety tips
• Protect your password and look out for phishing
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